If you're a music lover and grew up before the internet was a thing, chances are you plugged quite a few quarters into a jukebox. Like pinball, arcades, and roller skates though, jukeboxes have slowly disappeared from bars and...
I just picked this up today, it's probably the coolest arcade clock I've seen, a pac-man clock. Pictures are definitely better than words in this case: It's pretty sweet the way the ghosts chase pac-man across the screen and then...
I just posted up a new guide on how to build a game room: http://gameroominfo.com/build-game-room/ Since it wasn't a normal post and in the guides section, wanted to make sure that people knew it was there now. I'll be adding more...
When I was looking at model houses about 10 years ago, one of the houses we went to had something I'd never seen before, a playhouse under the stairs, complete with it's own light switch. Big enough for kids...
For the first post of my new blog, I thought I'd approach a subject that a lot of people are interested in, which is how to build a game room on a budget. If you go to local stores,...